
Black Python Devs is now a Non-Profit Under the GNOME Foundation

The GNOME Foundation and Black Python Devs are proud to announce that our organizations have entered into a fiscal sponsorship agreement for the mutual benefit of our communities and the greater OS world.

Black Python Devs is sponsoring PyCon Nigeria 2024

We’re happy to annouce that Black Python Devs will be sponsoring PyCon Nigeria 2024 as a part of our Build Local Community Initiative. This commitment comes with the added benefit of free student ticket for qualifying Black Python Devs members.

Black Python Devs x PyCon US

PyCon US is coming and Black Python Devs will represented strongly.

Marlene Mhangami Recognized as Python Fellow for Q3 2023

Every quarter, the Python Software Foundation recognizes individuals in the community for their exceptional contributions to the Python community. Black Python Devs member Marlene Mangami was selected as a fellow for Q3 2023.

Black Python Devs is Sponsoring PyTexas

We’ve got some fantastic updates to share about our upcoming involvement with PyTexas! We’re thrilled to announce that we are a community sponsor for PyTexas!

Sarah Abderemane Selected to the Django Software Foundation Board of Directors

This year Black Python Devs were strongly represented with 41% of the folks running belonging to the community.

Dawn Wages, Sarah Abderemane and Djangonaut Space Awarded the Malcolm Tredinnick Memorial Prize

Each year the Django Software Foundation, selects a person or group that exemplifies the outstanding service to community as shown by the award’s namesake.

Black Python Devs Represent in DSF Elections

The DSF Board Elections have opened and voting is available for DSF members now until 27 November 2023 (Anywhere on Earth).

What is the US Conference City Diversity Metric

In 2022 at DjangoCon I took a look at the location of all of the PyCon US locations and their makeup by race. I highlighted that in the first 10 years of PyCon’s existence, 9 of those 10 events were in culturally diverse cities like Atlanta, Washington DC and Chicago. The second half was during Python’s boom and the need for larger venues started pushing conferences to more affordable areas with large international airports. These were places like Salt Lake City, Portland, and Montreal.

DjangoCon US 2023

In Durham, North Carolina, approximately 300 Django developers gathered from all over the world for DjangoCon US. This event showcased the knowledge of the community and celebrated its cultural diversity and the diversity of its hosting city. The event was located at the Marriot Convention Center, in the heart of the city. There were many resturants and smaller attractions.